Christ the King School bases its educational program on the guidelines developed and approved by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. In addition, faculty members regularly attend professional development courses and apply newly learned strategies in their classrooms. Educational techniques and ideas are shared and implemented by teachers throughout the school.
The curriculum in all areas is developed and approved by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. We follow the curriculum standards set forth by the Archdiocese as well as the PA Common Core Standards.
Review of curriculum and teaching methods is constant. The diversity of our student body (including culture, maturity, home environment, and varied learning styles) dictates the need for regular review and revision. Curriculum may also be revised with changes in technology, educational research, and state standards.
Students receive instruction and practice in critical thinking, reasoning, study skills, and problem-solving in all curriculum areas. In any subject, a student may research a topic, summarize the information, present it to the class, pose their own questions, explain a process, and show an understanding of vocabulary. Assessment is ongoing; teachers continually observe each student’s progress through formal and information methods.
Within each grade, the teacher is responsible for incorporating skills and information across the curriculum. In PreSchool and in the primary grades, this occurs organically, due to the inquisitive nature of the students and their need for multi-sensory experiences. In the middle grades and Junior High, while this may occur in “teachable moments”, cross-curricular lessons and activities are more the results of planning, often involving two or more teachers.