Grades - Grades will be posted to optionC. Tests/ quizzes will normally be posted within 3 days of the test/ quiz date. Papers/ Projects will normally be posted within 5 days of the due date. If for any reason this is an issue, the teacher will notify the students as to when they can expect their grade to be posted.
Homework - Homework will be given most nights in one or both subjects. It will not be much. It will be to finish what was started in class or a small assignment to review what was discussed/ learned within the classroom that day. The purpose of homework is to reinforce skills taught during class. Homework is due when we review it during class. If the homework is not complete when being checked, it will be reflected in the homework grade for the trimester.
Lateness of Assignment - If an assignment is not handed in on or before the due date, the student will be penalized 5 points everyday. This includes if the assignment is due on a Friday. If the student doesn’t hand in the assignment on Friday they will lose 5 points for Friday, 5 points for Saturday, and 5 points for Sunday. Do not exceed 5 days of lateness or it will become a zero.
Due Assignments - Assignments are due by the end of the school day. If the assignment is due on Friday and we are dismissed at 12pm, the assignment is due by 12pm. If the assignment is due on Thursday and we are dismissed at 2:35p, then the assignment is due by 2:35p. If the student hands in the assignment after the end of the school day, the 5 point deduction will be taken into account. Limit of 5 days. Once an assignment has been late for 5 days, it will automatically be a zero.
There is only 1 chance each trimester to obtain extra credit. The student must complete a book report based on a book from an approved list. One book report can be handed in each trimester for 10 extra credit points to be used in the section that the student desires (ELA only)
There will be 1 project each trimester that is based on the material we are learning at the time.
The projects range in execution style and will be open for discussion to fit the style that the student enjoys most. All projects will need to be approved by the teacher regarding the topic and actual execution ideas of the project
There is only 1 chance each trimester to obtain extra credit. The student must complete a 2 page summary of an event that we have learned about during that trimester. A list will be given to each student that is interested in extra credit. They will then pick an event from the list to write about in their paper. One paper can be handed in each trimester for 10 extra credit points to be used towards a specific religion grade.